Monthly Archives : May, 2016

Data analytics and sports. You didn’t suppose how much they have in common

Beyond the basics, modern sports has nothing in common with what it was, let’s say 50 years ago. One of the many, many reasons for this is the data analytics and forecasting.

We are living in a world full of data and everyone can benefit of it with proper analytics modelling. Speaking of sports it helps decision making in player selection, customer/fan relationships, business management, game and players performance and even injury prevention.

11 ways to increase your coffee shop profits

The coffee shop industry is making billions dollars a year. Even though opening your own coffee shop looks like a piece of pie and definitely profitable enterprise, it is not exactly like this.
The value of a cup of coffee is around $0.50 and the retail price is between $2 and 3, depending on the market. It sounds like profitable margin. But you have to keep in mind that operational costs for a coffee shop are quite high. On top of this you have to add the fierce competition by well-established chain of coffee shops with strong marketing and huge advertising budgets.