Turning data into art

Yes, those pixels, numbers and data strings might be a genuine and impactful form of art. Since we are deep into data science in order to empower SMEs and boosting their profitability with data analytics and sales forecasting tools, we want to share some interesting perspectives on data art.

Creation of visual art, fueled by data is a relatively new trend. Data artists can be divided into two main groups: those who work with big scientific data and those who rely on self-tracking.
Like Laurie Frick, originally an engineer currently creating so-called data selfies. She uses self-surveillance as a base of her abstract artworks. Like EEG monitor, calorie counting app and time tracking logging system on her computer. Meet her art at http://www.lauriefrick.com.


Jer Thorp from Canada is dedicating his efforts to design visualization of big data sets. He says every data set has its own unique character and this is the only thing he looks for when working. He was Data Artist at New York Times and currently is adjunct Professor at New York University ITP Program. Thorp says that data art is like an intersection of science, art, and design. Sure it is, just take a look at his visualization of Kepler`s exoplanet candidates. It is quite stunning!

If you want to dig deeper into data art, take a look at those TED Talks dedicated to the topic right here.

Or check this BBC Learning data art project full of interesting visual insights, powered by historical data. http://data-art.net/

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