Monthly Archives : December, 2016

Why Data Analytics is Vital for the Gaming Industry

The world of Hollywood is full of worldwide fame, glamour, and big bucks but there is an entertainment industry which is way bigger. Please welcome video games! The revenues generated by all kinds of video games are more than twice than the financial results of the movie industry. And it is growing at a constant pace. On top of this, gaming is generating a huge amount of data. Electronic Arts have 275 million active users generating 50TB data a day. It is no surprise that gaming industry is utilizing data analytics in its full scope. Technology, financials, gameplay, marketing, strategic, just name an analytics domain and you`ll find it working on high revs in the gaming industry.

Chatbots Powered by A.I.

The first contribution of an artificial intellect, known today as A.I. is the hacking of Enigma coding machine. The story of Alan Turing was intriguingly impersonated by Benedict Cumberbatch in The Imitation Game drama movie. It is acknowledged that Turing`s success with creating an algorithm and machine that managed to break the Enigma code has saved millions of lives during the WWII.

5 Benefits of Predictive Analytics Applied in Wholesale Business

Wholesale distribution business is generating a great amount of data which is including at least thousands of products, quantities, pricing, customers, and inventory, just name it. This simple fact makes them really suitable for data analytics modeling in order to solve specific business problems or to gain efficiency within already existing processes. In this blog post, we are highlighting just 5 of the potential benefits that a wholesale business is capable of extracting from modern days data analytics.