The banking industry is a specific one with the fact it generates and collects an impressive amount of data. Combined with predictive analytics and connectivity, data opens the door for endless opportunities of boosting business efficiency. In this blog post, we are pointing at just 8 of them. Feel free to add some more in the comments below.
Product portfolio analysis: What to do when it`s made
Product portfolio analysis is a crucial tool for any business with a stack of products or services on the market. The approach can differ but at the end of the day, the desired result is a valuable assessment of business units. Boston Matrix, also known as growth-share matrix is one of the proven methods and at A4E we`ve built a tool to simplify the task by evaluating a product contribution to the overall profit and its popularity among the customer base.
Here comes the question – what to do when our report is done? Are there recipes for successful business decision when the data is sorted and properly displayed? What are the insights we can extract out of the products categorized as Stars, Dogs, Cows, and Puzzles? How to turn a Puzzle into Star or a Dog into a Cash Cow?
How menu engineering can be the ultimate restaurant profit-boosting tool
It started in the 70`s when Bruce D. Henderson created the growth-share matrix for the Boston Consulting Group. Its aim was to help businesses to analyze a particular product performance within the entire product line. It is simple yet effective approach if correctly applied.
Restaurant owners and managers can benefit too. The growth-share matrix, also known as the Boston Matrix has its restaurants’ custom-made version, called menu engineering. It is a data-driven approach to boosting a restaurant` profit. In this blog post, we are going to share with you how to do it easy and effective as possible.
4 tips for improved sales forecast accuracy
We already discussed how important sales forecasting is to any business, not matter B2C or B2B. Proper forecasting is an efficiency booster since it is enabling proper recourses planning like staff, stock, financials, logistics, production, etc. This is especially important for businesses producing limited shelf life products.
One single KPI makes the sales forecasting good or bad. It is the accuracy. The accuracy is the crucial indicator paving any business plan to the road of success or failure. In this blog post, our data analytics team at A4E is sharing tips and hints on how to boost your sales forecasting accuracy.