Most commonly applied in boosting the efficiency of a measurable processes, data analytics is hardly scary by any means. Well, just like the machines or any product of the human knowledge at all, data analytics can be a scary tool. The frightening element within data analytics is not the power of data but its usage. Prior to Halloween, we would like to share a few scary data analytics applications out of real life.
Coca-Cola Case Study: How spatial analytics makes perfectly targeted product sampling campaign
We all love nice product samplings. This is the best way to meet a product, to experience it from first hand. There are no words or even a picture capable of depicting particular taste. That’s why product sampling campaigns are deeply loved by marketers of foods & beverages. Because they work as nothing else.
Since the A4E blog is dedicated to all thing data analytics, we are willing to share our own experience on how to enhance the performance of such sampling campaign. The Coca-Cola Company representatives approached us with a pretty interesting case regarding their new 0.75l product pack. It is aimed to households consisted of 2-3 members which had to receive the sample during dinner time, providing a meal pairing experience in the comfort of their own home. Nice and sweet, isn’t it?
How to apply data analytics to call centers
The call center is perceived as the nervous system of a company. It can warn of risks and potential threats, gather information about the environment in which the company operates and last but not least – it is the direct link to the most important asset that a company can have – its customers. Like any nervous system, it processes a huge amount of information. If such information is quantified, then we have big data. The application of big data analytics within call centers is the focus of this blog post.
Before we share our understanding of the application of data modeling and analytics for call & contact centers, we want to dispel a common misconception.