Tag : AI

How AI & analytics makes Q-Commerce possible

Q-Commerce is the natural evolvement of E-Commerce, especially in the grocery segment. The always-on culture of smartphones made us more immediate including our purchasing habits. The Q-Commerce segment grew rapidly during the COVID-19 pandemics due to its convenience and fast delivery, up to 30, or even 15 minutes in some instances. It is like the corner shop but at your front door. How nice, isn’t it?

How Q-Commerce is possible?

Unlike brick and mortar retailers, Q-Commerce vendors have a limited assortment and a bit higher but still affordable pricing. They rely on so-called Dark Stores, a small warehouse full of groceries located throughout the city. As bikes, scooters, and bicycles are faster in congested urban traffic, customers can expect delivery within half an hour or less.

Ключови показатели в ритейл бизнеса и как AI може да ги оцвети в зелено

Живеем във времена на драматични промени и ритейл секторът не прави изключение. Тук не става дума само за неизбежната технологична трансформация на този тип бизнес, но и за промените в потребитеските нагласи заради COVID-19. Много ритейл бизнеси не успяват да отговорят на предизвикателствата. От 2015 г. досега, общо 128 крупни ритейл марки са обявили фалит само в САЩ по данни на CB Insights. Сред тях са вериги магазини за храни и напитки, дрехи, обувки, мебели, спортни стоки, стоки за свободното време и т.н. Ето защо поставяме фокус върху наистина важните ритейл KPI показатели и разказваме как изкуственият интелект и автоматизацията на бизнес процесите помагат те да бъдат оцветени в зелено.

AI isn`t smarter than you but is better at data-driven decisions

Artificial Intelligence /AI/ is all around us, and this is not a joke. It is literally everywhere. From chat-bots to smart assistants who are the most visible of its incarnations, through healthcare and architecture, AI has impacted all industries. Today AI is capable enough not only to help designing machinery much faster and more efficiently but also to create actual art.

Let’s face it – AI and its abilities are a significant part of our daily lifestyle, even though we might not suspect this at all. It is quite possible that your personal credit score is defined by AI. Just like the fruits you’ve just put in your basket – their logistic might be designed by AI. Preferences suggestions? Quite likely, they are products of AI. PC & console games, public administration, finance and pharmaceutical businesses, all of them rely on AI for one thing or another. Even the smart vacuum cleaners are advertised as the Artificial Intelligence that sweeps the floor. 

How data analytics helped Boston to save $5M and forced UPS to ban left turns

The students in the USA are eligible for school bus transportation if they live beyond a particular radius of the school. The yellow school buses are largely unchanged since their debut in 1939 even though their routes are getting more and more complex in the past 80 years. This is because of the number of students, schools, road systems and the system of rules.

When AI helps you choose a gift

Good retailers sell well, and best retailers offer their customers an unforgettable experience. The story of the 1800-Flowers.com online store is interesting because it traces the path that a Manhattan flower shop bought in the 1970s for $ 10,000 to a multimillion business that generated $ 1.2 bn. in sales just last year. The achievement goes through impressive AI innovation that has cemented its leadership position in the US online marketplace.

How Predictive Analytics Made Inventory Management Better

Not matter if a business is a production, retail or wholesale focused, the inventory is a crucial piece of its smooth running. It is a challenge that has to be faced properly. If not, efficiency wouldn’t be gained, resulting in not acceptable business performance. Inventory management executed as it should mean less cash locked in a stock, on time deliveries and at the end of the day – happy clients. As we all know, they do matter.

Predictive analytics is applicable as efficiency booster in many business processes and inventory management is no exclusion. Optimizing inventory is ensuring the right SKU is available in the right quantities, at the right time and at the right location. Such optimization is leading to stock levels reduction, hence transportation costs reduction and write-down cost reduction. Relying purely on data, predictive analytics is the perfect tool for addressing issues like this. Combine demand prediction with sales forecasting and you`ll know what, when and where.

5 AI Myths. Busted

Since AI has turned into a buzzword, many misperceptions created too many myths we`d like to share with you and bust together just like Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman. Even though we are living right within the Secondary Information Age, the lack of understanding of what actually is AI and where it can bring the society we are all living in, it is a foundation of quite a few misconceptions. Some of them funny, other rather scary.

How AI is dropping the cost of prediction analytics

Have you ever heard about Moore`s law? In 1965, Gordon Moore, who would later become one of the founders of Intel, wrote a paper claiming that the number of electronic components, which could be placed into an integrated circuit, will double every year. This exponential became known as Moore`s law and turned out to be the foundation of the digital world.

How AI & Data Analytics could have prevented an amazing Spotify fraud

We`re not sure if you already have heard about this and if not, keep in mind that those couple of minutes will be more than worthy.

The Spotify Fraud

Unknown scammer, allegedly from Bulgaria generated about $3m revenue out of creating and continuously playing a couple of playlists with tracks with an average length of 43 seconds. Spotify is paying artists about $0.004 per play and the fraudster has registered around 1200 premium Spotify accounts, continuously rolling the playlists.

It is believed that such ‘performance’ was achieved via bots automating the skip and play game regarding the Spotify policy to pay for a listened track only its 30 seconds or more. This way, the playlists called ‘Soulful Music’ and ‘Music From The Heart’ became played so many times they made it to number 84 globally and 22 in the US in the playlists charts.