Tag : big data

How data analytics helped Boston to save $5M and forced UPS to ban left turns

The students in the USA are eligible for school bus transportation if they live beyond a particular radius of the school. The yellow school buses are largely unchanged since their debut in 1939 even though their routes are getting more and more complex in the past 80 years. This is because of the number of students, schools, road systems and the system of rules.

2018: Data Analytics Trends

It is that time of the year when you take a look back and take an educated guess on what is going on to be in the very near future of data analytics. There is no doubt that in 2018 analytical industries will be not just hot but also rapidly changing. Here are the top trends that will prevail within the New Year.

5 Benefits of Predictive Analytics Applied in Wholesale Business

Wholesale distribution business is generating a great amount of data which is including at least thousands of products, quantities, pricing, customers, and inventory, just name it. This simple fact makes them really suitable for data analytics modeling in order to solve specific business problems or to gain efficiency within already existing processes. In this blog post, we are highlighting just 5 of the potential benefits that a wholesale business is capable of extracting from modern days data analytics.

6 key benefits of predictive data analytics

Data analytics has huge potential to predict and forecast future performance and this is already proven in big companies full of historical data. With the declining cost of computation, the mathematical wizardry of predictive data analytics is already at arm`s length for small and medium enterprises lacking the resources of the big players.