Tag : marketing

How big data analytics will change advertising campaigns

20 years ago the world was changed by the Internet. It accelerated the knowledge access, it changed the way we communicate and create relations between each other and undisputedly – it changed the way we do business. And created a lot of new businesses.

Today we`re facing another big change and it is all about big data and analytics. It is capable of extracting benefits almost everywhere. Starting with coffee shops and restaurants, to professional sports and even modern advertising. Not just marketing but actual advertising.

5 Benefits of Predictive Analytics Applied in Wholesale Business

Wholesale distribution business is generating a great amount of data which is including at least thousands of products, quantities, pricing, customers, and inventory, just name it. This simple fact makes them really suitable for data analytics modeling in order to solve specific business problems or to gain efficiency within already existing processes. In this blog post, we are highlighting just 5 of the potential benefits that a wholesale business is capable of extracting from modern days data analytics.

Actionable data analytics: Multichannel marketing strategy optimization

Volume retailers have something in common. A huge amount of data in a couple of directions – customers and products. They are the key foundations of marketing strategy optimization when you have to launch a new product, bundle or a promotion.

Is there a way to maximize multichannel marketing efforts?

Actionable data analytics is doing exactly this. Through different data techniques and approaches, there is an opportunity to extract the maximum. Such optimization is not just possible, it’s a must.