Tag : sales predictions

11 ways to increase your coffee shop profits

The coffee shop industry is making billions dollars a year. Even though opening your own coffee shop looks like a piece of pie and definitely profitable enterprise, it is not exactly like this.
The value of a cup of coffee is around $0.50 and the retail price is between $2 and 3, depending on the market. It sounds like profitable margin. But you have to keep in mind that operational costs for a coffee shop are quite high. On top of this you have to add the fierce competition by well-established chain of coffee shops with strong marketing and huge advertising budgets.

Hello world! We are Analytics for Everyone

A4Everyone stands for analytics is for everyone. It is what we believe in our team and our mission is to bring the benefits of data science to small and medium sized businesses.

Everyone might get leverage from accurate sales predictions. Because it is giving the ability to know what, when and how many to fill your storehouse with. And it is not only this. Business optimization of any kind become possible if it`s based on knowledge extracted from historical data of this very business.